Snehita Breast Cancer Risk Calculator

This tool uses Snehita Brisk Model to calculate a woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.


Snehita Women’s Health Foundation is a not-for-profit, voluntary organization registered as a public charitable trust under section 12A of Income tax Act 1961 established in 2016 with a mission to work towards improving women’s health and wellbeing through preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services.

Early detection of breast cancer cases at a curable stage is the main aim of Snehita. This could be achieved only by spreading awareness about the disease and the ways to detect it early. Read More


Snehita seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice where women live healthy, and have support in all her health and emotional problems, and all people live with dignity and security.


Snehita means a true friend to every woman. Snehita is committed to guide the way for Wellbeing and Health.


To empower the community; to identify health problems at an early stage, seek appropriate medical help and to take informed decisions regarding health.


Screening Clinic

Clinics are conducted by Snehita on weekday evenings and Saturday mornings to make the consultation convenient for both working women and home makers. Prior appointment adds to convenience and proper care is ensured for each individual.

Screening Camps

Screening camps are conducted on Weekends and Holidays which could be requested through website/E mail. Local arrangements are to made by the requesting team, who should ensure privacy and adequate number of examination cubicles according to the requirement.

Breast Cancer Screening is our core service. Please Click Here to know more.

Awareness Sessions

One to two hour Awareness sessions on Women’s Health Issues are conducted on request.

REACH Program

Respond Empower Act for Community Health (Reach Every Home)

aimed at Fostering conversation and creating communities for women by creating Empowered Health Volunteers (Snehitas) in every community who would listen to women’s health issues and provide appropriate support and guidance.

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Snehita hope to REACH every home and educate on the importance of ones well-being and health also
We are glad to SHARE our stories of how we fought back.

REACH Program

Respond Empower Act for Community Health (Reach Every Home)

SHARE Program

Sharing Hope And Reaching Everyone



“Oncology Education and Training for Providers Using Mobile Phones” A Snehita and RTI International Collaborative Project